Genetic Identification: The Contribution of STR Markers and Genetic Profile Databases in Forensic Investigations


  • Ana Carolina Campos Batista Universidade de Brasília (UnB), DF, Brasil
  • Victória Paz Machado Universidade de Brasília (UnB), DF, Brasil
  • Jesse Pereira Machado Viana Universidade de Brasília (UnB), DF, Brasil
  • Aline Costa Minervino Setor de Banco de Perfis Genéticos, Diretoria Técnico-Científica, Polícia Federal, Brasília (DF), Brasil
  • Marcelo Pereira Mendes Setor de Banco de Perfis Genéticos, Diretoria Técnico-Científica, Polícia Federal, Brasília (DF), Brasil
  • Ronaldo Carneiro da Silva Junior Setor de Banco de Perfis Genéticos, Diretoria Técnico-Científica, Polícia Federal, Brasília (DF), Brasil



STR, Forensic genetics, Database, Genetic markers, Forensic DNA


The discovery of genetic molecular markers has revolutionized the scientific research and gave rise to the most diverse applications in the use of DNA for genetic identification.  In forensic genetics, for instance, the use of markers has enabled the improvement of methodologies used in human genetic identification, for civil, criminal and humanitarian purposes. In 1997 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) established the CODIS Core Loci, a set of genetic markers to be used in human identification analyses. CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) is used to manage genetic profiles and more than 50 countries have joined the tool, including Brazil, which in 2013 founded the Integrated Network of DNA Databases (Rede Integrada de Perfis Genéticos - RIBPG). This network's main objective is to provide the exchange of genetic profiles of interest to Justice, obtained in official forensic laboratories.


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How to Cite

Campos Batista, A. C. ., Paz Machado, V. ., Pereira Machado Viana, J. ., Costa Minervino, A. ., Pereira Mendes, M., & Carneiro da Silva Junior, R. (2024). Genetic Identification: The Contribution of STR Markers and Genetic Profile Databases in Forensic Investigations. Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics, 12(2), 105–124.